Poking The Bear

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Auf Wiedersehen

For those of you getting tired of seeing pictures of my bloody finger and reading about my adventures in near caterpillar eating, today is your lucky day.

After 25 months and 1 day of working my ass off for bubkus peanuts at my place of employment, I finally gave them the hypothetical boot on Monday with my two weeks notice stuck to the very bottom.

Of all the ways to say “fuck yeah, get me out of this place!” I chose “this isn’t going to work;” otherwise knows as the “I need the reference” goodbye. On the bright side, everyone I know gave me their blessing. Of course, they come back the next day and offer part time work from home for more money. Meh.

No solid plans yet. Just to work on my drinking, devote more time to having fun and possibly vacationing for the first time in over four years. Or I can just have fun and vacation while drunk.

By the way, sometimes I believe in signs. Like when I was out with friends this weekend and torn whether to quit my job or not...this is what the register at Mani's Bakery told me:

It was tres "Blood" from the second season of "The X-Files."


  • I will take this opportunity to take credit for pointing out that "QUIT" screen, and also note that later on that night, at Molly Malone's, the accoustic ceiling tiles spelled out "DITCH THOSE STUPID BASTARDS, ETI".

    By Blogger Nick, at 11:19 AM  

  • Well, I was not going to say anything b/c no one likes the image of a bloody finger more than I do. Well, maybe some do, (poor job of a Monty Python allusion). However,I must admit, I was looking forward to a new post, and this one includes the paranormal no less!! I, for one, am pleased.

    I vote for a vacation that includes poolside-type drinks (pina coladas are my personal favorite, which brings up the point that I am tired of waitpeople telling me what their favorites are, so forgive me for doing the same.) But I do believe it is impossible not to feel good while enjoying one of those fun drinks!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:04 PM  

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