Poking The Bear

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cosct-Oh No You Di’int

I love Costco. I really do. I mean, where else can you buy a tree house, a flat screen tv and a 20 pack of Cup O Noodles in one visit?

That’s great and all, but last night, Costco really pissed me off...not that that’s necessarily hard to do these days.

Anyway, after a long day of work, I schlepped to Costco to purchase two simple items: A cordless phone and a container of Folgers. Fighting off the urge to buy a piano, I grabbed my items, made my way towards the front of the store and parked myself in a lovely line that was sure to be at least fifteen minutes long.

When I finally got to the front, I said, “I need to put the phone on my American Express and I need to pay for the coffee with cash.” The cashier pointed to a little note by the cash register that read “One receipt per customer” and said, “I can’t do that, but I can give you a subtotal.” Then he babbled something about Coscto not wanting to have too many receipts.

When did having too many transactions become a bad thing? Hey, I’ll tell you what’s a bad thing, Coscto; not having a fucking express lane!

Anyway, I told the guy that I didn’t want the coffee because I wasn’t in the mood for subtotals; i.e. “take your subtotals and shove them up your ass.” And then in a real smart ass sort of way said, “So, basically you’re saying you can’t give me two receipts, but I can theoretically get right back in line and make another purchase?!”

Midvale School for the Gifted anyone?


  • BJ's the New England--and other East Coast locales--alternative to Costco, *does* have an express lane. However, you are not allowed to combine types of purchases, so you would have to have gotten in the food line and only after that go to the electronics line. So see that old expression really is true---YOU CAN'T WIN!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:54 AM  

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